4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Rely Solely on Social Media to Build Your Entire Business


Imagine this scenario: You've invested years in nurturing a thriving community of thousands of loyal and engaged customers. It's been a journey filled with endless hours of content creation, crafting clever captions, and even dancing to the tunes of trending audio in your pursuit of virality. But in the blink of an eye, it all vanishes—your community, your customer base, and your primary source of income. Your social media accounts have fallen victim to a malicious hack.

While having a well-thought-out social media marketing strategy is undeniably important, staking your entire business on your Instagram account can be a monumental gamble. Beyond the ever-evolving algorithms dictated by the social media titans, there's the ever-present danger of losing everything in an instant due to a security breach. In this article, we'll delve into four compelling reasons why you shouldn't place all your entrepreneurial eggs in the social media basket.

1) Any of the social media platforms you are on, are not yours

This means that neither are your followers. It takes a long time to build a following these days and some platforms are harder than others i.e. think of your Facebook business page. Things change all the time on social media. The algorithms change. Videos are in. Images are out. Images are back in. Accounts get hacked. Accounts get shut down. 

I know of at least four prominent business coaches who lost EVERYTHING when they got hacked .. one of them had 50K followers … gone. Luckily she had a huge email list, but imagine if you didn’t have a backup plan and you lost everyone. That’s your whole business and a lot of hard work, gone.

So what’s the lesson here? Email is queen and if you haven’t started building a list of subscribers yet, this is your sign to get onto it today. There are so many email clients out there and some like Mail Chimp and Klavyio have free plans available.

2) You have no control over who sees your content

Unless you are a big corp with thousands of dollars to spend on ads – because that’s what Facebook wants its customers to do – then you are at the mercy of Facebook and how they push your content out. While some social media experts will suggest they know what makes the algorithm tick, we have no idea of exactly what the perimeters are that we need to fit into for Facebook to show our content.

I don’t know about you, but spending hours creating and posting content multiple times a day on top of my primary work, with the hope that you will get your content in front of your ideal audience isn’t that appealing to me.

3) The spray-and-pray approach rarely pays off

Where are your ideal clients? Where do they tend to consume content? Before putting all of your energy into one channel, it’s worth asking your customers how they prefer to hear from you. A quick customer poll or survey can give you a great starting point for building a focused multi-channel marketing plan.

Social media marketing is definitely going to have a place in your strategy, but you want to build a list you can own and target! SMS marketing is having a big moment right now, so even if you’re not ready to add that channel to your marketing mix, it’s a good idea to start collecting phone numbers so you have a list ready to go when the time is right. 

4) Google searches can’t find your social media posts

When I look at the stats on my clients websites, the majority of the visits that landed on their site, come from Google searches not social media

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This means that if you’re not repurposing all the content you posted on social media to your website, then is hidden from Google and doing nothing for your search results. Think about it, when you are looking to buy a service or a product, do you search Instagram or Google? While you might first take a peek at the brand on Instagram, say, for example, a new local cafe, when you’re in the market for a bookkeeper, or business coach, you probably find yourself first turning to Google. When people find you via Google, they are actively looking for your services and more likely to purchase. 


How to diversify your marketing efforts

Relying on social media alone to market your business is risky. There are loads of other ways to market your business outside of social media and start building a list of customers that you own.

Here are some places to start:

  1. Networking with other business owners

  2. Writing valuable blog content on your website by following best SEO practices

  3. Word of mouth referrals

  4. Joining Facebook groups that have your ideal clients (obviously DO NOT spam anyone or DM them without permission).

If you have a website, you can direct your audience to the source of your content in your marketing. This way, once they’ve consumed your helpful tips, they can read about who you are and what you offer. You can also then offer them something for free in exchange for their contact details, e.g. a downloadable guide, checklist or template.

Taking this approach enables you to build a following of die-hard fans that will lap up your content through a channel that you own and have control over. . 

Last week, I wrote a blog including some of the reasons your business needs a website. There a many more reasons to have one, but these are just 5 of the reasons I think are compelling! You can read it here.

Ready to take the first step towards building your dream website with Squarespace?

I offer a few solutions to suit every budget -
1) bespoke website designs that bridge the gap between your business's unique story and the clients you wish to serve.
2) VIP Days for those times where you just need some help with an existing site and

If you need any help deciding what’s best for you, please feel free to reach out, would love to help where I can!


5 most important things for a successful website


5 Reasons Your Business Needs a Website