5 most important things for a successful website


In the digital age, a website isn't just a virtual business card; it's the cornerstone of your online presence, even if you're a one-person show. Your website isn't just a static entity; it's a dynamic asset that can work tirelessly to attract and convert potential clients over months and even years. In this article, we'll explore the five most critical components that every successful website should feature.

  1. A well designed homepage

A strategically designed homepage that offers people who land on your site, a snapshot of who you are, what you offer and how they can work with you. The homepage is often forgotten when people DIY their sites because they don’t know any better. I would even go as far as to say, the homepage is one of the most important pages on your site.

As soon as someone lands on your site, they should not have to search for who you are and what you do. Ideally you want to communicate this within 2-3 seconds of someone landing on your page…. Not much time right? Hence why adding your elevator pitch / mission statement above the fold i.e. the first thing anyone sees when they land on your page without them having to scroll.

2. Easy and simple navigation for both desktop and mobile

The 5 main pages every service-based business site should have - Homepage, About, Services, Blog, Contact - anything more than that and it can potentially get confusing and overwhelming for visitors.

For the Services page, I would highly recommend separating different offers. For instance, if you offer group coaching and 1:1 coaching, keep those separate so potential clients can decide which one is best for them. Another example could be if you have in person coaching vs online coaching, some people may not want to ever meet in person so they would likely choose online.

Brainstorm everything that you want to offer and decide what can be grouped together and what is distinctively different. I have noticed a recurring pattern with my clients, is that they can often be so connected to their business, they struggle to see the differences in the services they offer, so perhaps ask a friend or family member what makes sense to them. You can also look at people in the same industry as yours to get a feel for what they do. Then there’s some of my clients that offer 5 or 6 services, which is far too many. I would recommend a maximum of 4 services.

Make sure you are looking at your site's navigation on both desktop and mobile. Did you know, mobile device traffic accounts for over half (51.51%) of global online traffic.

3. Accessible Contact Page

Your visitors should have a clear way of getting in touch with you. Offer them a contact form, an email address, a phone number (if appropriate) or a scheduling service - And then let them know what they can expect from you - will you be in touch in 24 - 48 hours for instance?

Ensuring your Contact page is in the main navigation, means they should easily be able to access that page no matter where they are on your site.

4. Effective Testimonials

Strong social proof is what’s needed to convert a visitor to a client!

Add them on every page, including the homepage. These should be directly related to your services and a huge bonus if you have video testimonials!

Do not have a Testimonial page - this is the least visited page on a website, which is why it’s so important to sprinkle them on every page.

Make them stand out - you could use a different and consistent accent colour on your website, or add a beautiful background, so it stands out.

When asking your clients for their testimonial, ask them to answer specific questions such as: how did you feel before working together, how did they feel after working together, what did they liked about working together. Super important to ask the right questions because the whole purpose of a testimonial is that you want to convey the transformation to your prospective clients.

5. Transparent Pricing

Mentioning the prices on your website is a win-win for both you and your client!

You are much more likely to get clients who can afford your prices and they get to know the investment they need to make to work with you! BEFORE they book in a call or reach out to you.

Pretty simple right?

I still see so many people prefer to disclose the prices only after they get on a call! Just imagine the time you could save by qualifying people when you mention the prices upfront! Plus think about it, when you go to a restaurant, would you sit down, order your food, eat, get the bill without looking at the prices? I am sure there are people who are not price conscious but I would say the vast majority of people are extremely price conscious these days and need to know what the investment is before committing to it.

If you don’t want to be specific because your services fall into a price range, then say ‘Prices starting from’.

I know, from speaking with my network of business owners, they will not go so far as to contact someone if they can’t see any prices. Why lose clients over something that is so simple to add to your site? It’s time to stop shying away from disclosing your prices!

That’s it for now, I hope that you will consider these 5 most important things every website should have and take action now!

Ready to take the first step towards building your dream website with Squarespace?

I offer a few solutions to suit every budget -
1) bespoke website designs that bridge the gap between your business's unique story and the clients you wish to serve.
2) VIP Days for those times where you just need some help with an existing site and

If you need any help deciding what’s best for you, please feel free to reach out, would love to help where I can!


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