Video Tutorials
Follow along with these videos to customise your template! Simply scroll down the page to watch them in order, or jump to a specific topic using the menu on the left.
You’ve got this! 💪
Watch me first 👇
Get Unstuck
Every template comes with 30 days of email ticket support.
Want me to build your site for you for $650USD / $997AUD+GST?
Please note, due to Squarespace constantly updating their platform, some of the videos will be outdated hence why I have included links directly to their Help page, so you will receive the most up to date info.
Getting Setup
Building Your Site
Launching Your Site
Benefits of signing up to an Annual Plan:
20% off because I am a circle member
Free Domain for 1 year
Free Google Workspace for 1 year
Useful Links
If you don't have a Squarespace account, you will need sign up - please make sure you use the email you included when you purchased the template. - top left corner - Create an account. Fill in your details.
Once you have created your account, within 24-48 hours, you will be able to access the template that you purchased. In order to get the 20% discount, you will need to sign up for an annual plan.
If you already have a Squarespace account and an existing template, you will have 1 in your dashboard as well as the new template.
Labelling images -
It's important to label your images correctly. by following SEO best practice - i.e. use keywords as an example.
Please follow this guidance for alt image
Sizes & Dimensions -
Images should not be more than 250KB
Squarespace recommends the width of your images to be between 1500 and 2500 pixels. Images smaller than 1500 pixels can look blurry or pixelated when they're scratched to fill the image block.
Once you have completed everything, go through this handy checklist to make sure you have completed everything. This is a really important step in the launching of your site:
Don’t forget to do this step … you need to do this in order for Google to find your site
I would always recommend using a professional email - whichever platform you decide - either Outlook / Google Workspace. Never use @gmail or @hotmail.
Squarespace has guides on what to do. When you sign up for an annual plan, you get 1 year free google workspace access
Use this helpful list to make sure you have done everything!
I would recommend watching this first if you are unclear about your site strategy and what the goal is of your site.